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Drew Holcomb and the Neighbors

There are no strangers at a Drew Holcomb show. For the better part of two decades, the award-winningsongwriter has brought his audience together night after night, turning his shows into celebrations ofcommunity, collaboration, and contemporary Americanroots music.Strangers No More,theninthalbumfrom Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors, celebrates that sense of togetherness. Produced by Cason Cooley,it expands the band's mix of timeless songwriting, modern-day Laurel Canyon folk, amplified Americana,and heartland rock & roll. "All The Money in the World," with its deep-pocketed groove that showcasesThe Neighbors’ musicality, is punctuated by blasts of brass, marking the band’s first song to featurehorns. "That's On You, That's On Me" makes room for barrelhouse piano, slide guitar, and the greasy gritof a juke joint rock band. "On a Roll" and "Possibility" are Springsteen-sized rock & roll melodramas thatwail and exalt, their cinematic arrangements built for the large rooms that Holcomb regularly plays thesedays. "Fly" is a reflective, finger-plucked folksong. Finally, there's "Dance With Everybody,” a livelytribute to the live show that brims with a joyful optimism—a feeling that was often missing during theband’s earlier years, when their shows weren’t nearly as packed. Song by song,Strangers No Moreoffersan all-encompassing view not only of the places Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors have been, but wherethey're headed next, too. It's an invitation into the band's world. Strangers no more, indeed.

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